
Showing posts from November, 2018

Law and Gospel

For the law was given through Moses (John 1:17). The Law, we can find in the Bible (prescript/ prescription) 613. “Do 248” and “do not 365”. Hence, before the law was given to Moses, there was transgressions. It says; “for sin indeed was in the world before the law given, but sin is not counted where there is no law” (Romans 5: 13). The distinction between law and gospel is best known in the understanding of salvation or justification and how the law and gospel function in the life of the believer. The law is the will of God being known by all the natural law and in written laws or commandments like the Mosaic Law. But after the fall, the law has become a word of judgment and wrath because humanity has become incapable of fulfilling God’s will. The law is like a mirror it shows your sin. So the law reveals sin and condemnation. In order to liberate humanity from the curse of the law, the Gospel, which is God’s Word that has the message of salvation, is proclaimed and grace is g...

Zeiruangah Khrihfa na si?

Biahmaithi: Khrihfa hi biaknak dang he zeitindah kan nih dangnak a si? Vawlei cung biaknak religion hi tampi a um; cu hna lak ah Buddhism, Muslim le Christianity biaknak pathum kong hi chim ka duh. Hi biaknak pathum chung ahhin, Buddhism biaknak hi a rak um hmasa bik asi. Khrihfa mi nih Jesuh kan zumh bantukin Buddhism zong nih Buddha cu Jesuh bantukin an zum ve. Muslim zong nih Mudhmmad cu Prophet tiah an zum ve. Prophet timi cu Pathian bia phortu tinak asi. Cuve bantukin Khrihfa (Christianity) zong nih Jesuh Khrih cu Messiah “ anointed” asi tiah kan zum ve. Philosopher Immanuel Kant nih a chimmi cu, “biaknak dikhmaan taktak mi cu pakhat lawng a um, sihmanhsehlaw zumh ning cu tampi an um kho ko” tiah a ti. Religion nih a kawlmi cu “Biatak”, the truth” hi asi. These religions are basis on the book, basis on the prophet. 1. Buddhism, a thawttu pa cu “Siddharat, Gautama” Buddha cu 560 B.C kum ah chuah, khuate “Lumbini” India le Nepal karlah a um. Siddharat, Gautama nih a ...


The past has a great power on everyone. While, the past is past. If you want to live a great life, don’t allow yourself to be controlled by others. 1.       Do not allow your past to control your present or your future life. Your past is gone. Whatever happened you must let it go. 2.       Do not allow other people’s opinions and judgments to control the direction of your life! Leave the pain of your past behind, so it cannot ruin your future. 3.       Do not allow your life to be controlled by your own limited beliefs. Leave your pain and imagine what you could achieve. Have faith in yourself, think about success and expect success. 4.       If someone did you wrong, the ONLY WAY you can win is if you let it go and move on. If you live in hate, they win. If you live in the victim story, they win. If you want to win, you must focus on building your future and sta...


Biahmaithi: Nihin, 21 century ah a herh taktakmi cu biatak, bia-dik hngalh khawh le biatak tlaih thiam hi a si. Pathian kan hngalhnak le a kong kan theihnak kha a hmaanmi lam le tuahsernak ah a kan kalpitu, kan nunnak a thlengtu le thiltha tuahnak ah kar a kan hlan tertu cu Theology/Pathian Bia a si. “ Biaknak ah a dik bakmi a muru cu piah awk a um lo.   Nangmah nih na ruahmi le na zumhmi kha na biaknak a muru cu a si ko” timi hi ruahnak hi Khrihfa hna nih kan i cawnpiakmi muru a si hrimhrim lo. Pathian kan biak tikah minung dirriamnak he biak khawh a si lo, Amah Pathian Bia (Bible) ning tein kal hi a hmaanmi biaknak a si. Cucaah, nangmah nih na ruahmi le na zumhmi biatak a dik le dik lo cu Bible chungah na zoh-than lengmang a hau. Chan-thar-modernism pawl nih khrihfa zumhnak an hmuh ning zoh hna u sih. Modernism Sullam : Theology a cawnmi hna caah cun, modernism meaning cu an theih cio ko lai a ruang cu thilthar a si lo kum zabu 19-20 hrawngah a cangmi thil asi. ...

Christmas Hi Na Caah Zeidah a Si?

"Kan caah ngakchia pakhat a chuak! Fapa pakhat pek kan si! Amah cu kan uktu Bawi a si lai. Amah cu Khuaruahhar Fim Chimtu, A Ṭhawngmi Pathian, Zungzal Hmunmi Pa, Daihnak Bawi, ti a si lai."  (Isaiah 9:6) Christmas hi zeidah a si tiah bia i hal ning law, zeitindah na ka leh hnga? Christmas cu Greek holh in ‘ Χριστούγεννα ’ tti a si i Jesuh khrih min an lehmi kha si ko. E.g Christ-  Χριστός . Cucaah, kei ka caah cun Christmas cu thawngtha (Good News) a si. Cu thawngtha cu “khuaruah har thawngtha” si. Vancung sungparnak vialte kal tak in vawlei misual khamh dingah a rung tlunh hi, “khuaruah har thawngtha” cu a si. Bawi Jesuh cu  a niam bik hmun  caw rawl einak kuan Bethlehem khua ah a chuah.   Bethlehem a sullam cu “changreu inn” tinak a si. Jesuh Khrih nih," Nunnak changreu cu keimah hi ka si," tiah a ti (John 6:35). Jesuh Khrih nih nunnak changreu a sinak kha a chuahnak in sullam ngei tein a rak langhter cang. Cucaah, Christmas thawngtha ...