
Showing posts from December, 2017

Buddhism vs Christianity

There are some points of contrast between the two teachings Buddhism and Christianity: 1.       Theravada Buddhism leaves God out of the picture, but Christian faith begins and ends with God. 2.        Gautama the Buddha disclaimed divinity. But Jesus claimed divinity the Son of God, the second Person of the Triune God. 3.       Gautama the Buddha said that he found the way and shows the way. Jesus Christ said that he is the way the truth and the life. 4.       The mission of Gautama is to teach the Bhrama, but of Jesus Christ is to save mankind from sin and death. 5.       Buddhism stresses anicca, the impermanence of everything even the life after. Christian belief stresses the unchangeable God and the life everlasting in the unshakable kingdom. 6.       Buddhism is man-centered that to achieve nibbana is only done b...